SQL Nuggets is the personal blog of Eric Cobb, focusing on Microsoft SQL Server.

About Eric Cobb

Avatar-EricAfter a 14 year programming career as a web and software developer, I jumped into the world of SQL Server as an Accidental DBA, getting my Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): Data Platform certification, and then my Data Management and Analytics MCSE as well.  In 2019 I was selected to participate in the 2020 IDERA ACE program, and I became a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) in 2020.

During my time as a developer I worked for a variety of businesses, including a Fortune 500 company, an online banking and money order processing system, one of the largest and fastest growing power co-ops in the country, and a high volume multi-million dollar e-commerce website. Over the years I have worked with a variety of database platforms such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL, and I even looked at MongoDB once.

During my time as a DBA, I have learned many new things that, had I known about them as a developer, would have made my job easier and my applications much more efficient. These are the things that I want to pass on to others with this blog.

About SQL Nuggets

The primary focus of this blog is to offer useful tips for developers and other IT professionals who are using SQL Server. Written in short, to the point posts I will highlight a specific feature, how you can use it, and why you should use it.  You won’t find a lot of detailed code examples here.  My goal is to explain a topic in simple terms, then point you to resources that have more detailed explanations and examples.

There are tons of really good SQL Server resources already out there, but many of them seem to be geared toward either an absolute beginner or an experienced DBA. That means that in many cases the information is either too elementary (and boring) for an experienced developer, or too advanced for someone who isn’t a DBA. By writing tips specifically for “non-DBAs”, I hope to provide useful, direct explanations without all of the overly technical DBA insight.

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