Announcing Sp_WhoIsBlocking

This is a tongue in cheek post, basically highlighting a cool feature in sp_whoisactive, and how I created a wrapper for it to make my life easier. I am a …

Online SQL Formatting Service

I stumbled upon this last week and thought I would share it.  SQLFormat is a free online formatter for SQL statements.  It’s pretty straight forward and easy to use.  You …

Useful Tools: sp_whoisactive

One incredibly useful SQL Server tool that I often forget about is Adam Machanic’s sp_whoisactive procedure.  The reason I say I forget about it is that it is not something that I …

SQL Server Maintenance Scripts

When it comes to everyday routine maintenance of your SQL Server databases, you can’t beat Ola Hallengren’s SQL Server Maintenance Solution.  Focusing on SQL Server Backups, SQL Server Integrity Checks, and SQL Server …

Standalone SQL Server Management Studio

Microsoft has released a new standalone version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).  As with previous versions of SSMS, you still get it bundled with your SQL Server install, but with this …