Notes From A SQL 2017 Azure Install

Now that SQL Server 2017 is out it’s time for everyone to start migrating to it, right?  RIGHT?

Well, in my case, the answer actually is “Yes!”  At my day job we have started a project to move from our current data center into Azure.  While we originally planned to move to SQL Server 2016 running on Windows 2016, I have actually been given the green light to jump to SQL Server 2017 instead!

So, as I begin building out my new servers and setting up our first Dev environment, I am taking notes on the things that are different in 2017, in Azure, or problems that I run into.  I’m going to be blogging those things here so that:
1) I can remember them;
2) Maybe it will help someone else who runs into the same problem;

Feel free to follow my adventures in my upcoming series of blog posts related to my Azure SQL Server 2017 Migration.


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