Online SQL Formatting Service

I stumbled upon this last week and thought I would share it.  SQLFormat is a free online formatter for SQL statements.  It’s pretty straight forward and easy to use.  You just enter your SQL statements into a text area, or upload an entire file, and it will parse and format your SQL statements.  This is definitely a useful tool when having to try to sort through a big ole nasty query.

Another cool feature is that in addition to the web interface, SQLFormat also provides an API. Or, if you want, you can even download the Python module that powers this service to use it in your own applications!

Even though I already have a formatting tool installed in SSMS, I’m adding SQLFormat to my list of cool tools and definitely see myself using it some.


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2 thoughts on “Online SQL Formatting Service

  1. Tony

    I have tried several tools to format my SQL code, but my favorite is SQL Formatter by Devart. This tool is available online absolutely free and it makes my code better and speeds up writing it.

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