PSSDIAG Error: There Is No Instance Named X

I’m writing this as a reminder to myself for a problem I just had to solve. When running the PSSDIAG tool, if you are running it against SQL 2016 SP2 or higher, you may get the following error:

There is no instance named “YourServer”
Message: The parameter is incorrect

The reason for this is that the INSTANCE value in the pssdiag.xml config file is set to the SQL Server name instead of the default instance name. Luckily, this is an easy fix. If you are running the default instance of SQL, look in the pssdiag.xml file and find the following “Instance” XML tag:

Once you’ve found it, you can change it to:

Simply replacing “YourServer” with the default instance name of “MSSQLSERVER” should be all you have to do. Just save it and try to run the tool again. I was able to figure this out by reading through this Microsoft Docs article.

YMMV, but that’s what worked for me!

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