Speaking At Nashville SQL Server User’s Group On December 8th

Next Friday, December 8th 2017, I will be speaking at the Nashville SQL Server User’s Group.  My topic will be “Lessons Learned From An Azure Migration”, where I will be covering things that I’ve run into during a migration to Azure, including some of the things I’ve already written about, as well as a few things I haven’t blogged about yet.

Meeting Information:

For a full description of my topic, and to RSVP, see the Meetup event page.  The Nashville SQL Server User’s Group meetings occur on the last Friday of each month from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM. Lunch is served during the first half hour and the scheduled session begins at noon. We meet at The Microsoft Heartland Office which is located at:

The Microsoft Heartland Office
8 City Blvd, Suite 403
Nashville, TN 37209


I look forward to seeing you there!


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